The Book That Could Change The World

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The Book That Could Change The World

Chapter 1

Do you appreciate what you have? Do you want more? Is Money A Priority?

These aren't simple questions, obviously money is a priority for most, but do you appreciate what you have? If not, why do you think you deserve more? Yes you may work hard, but life ain't fair and you don't always get what you want just because you work hard. So why work hard? Why does hard work even exist, for that matter why does work exist? To give someone a purpose? A way to earn a living? I agree people should definitely earn their living, but I don't agree with "work" or "working hard" if anything, when you do something to provide for yourself and your family, it should be your livelihood, something you wake up happy to do because it's not "hard work" it may be a challenging livelihood but don't call it hard work. Now with these livelihoods people would be able to barter their skills and labor to obtain goods, yeah this is going back quite a ways but it's what needs to be done, get rid of gold, silver, diamonds, coins, dollars, and credit and debit cards.

People will live off of bartering, no more lazy folks, more people earning their keep, and for the people who have physical disabilities they will be helped tremendously but will still need to contribute to society even if that means showing support for local events. That goes for old people too. Churches will be filled again and not online, no church will be streamed online for Sunday, no TV service on Sundays and a Curfew during the week for all citizens. Learning centers will not have electronics, everything will be done by pencil and pen and real life skill classes will be taught to kids and adults who need them.

Such as handling money, customer service, coping with loss and emotions, focusing on ones self, diagnosing an engine problem or other machine problems, how to survive in the wilderness, hunting, fishing. Writing.

Much more.

Sounds like a lot to ask for huh, well strap in because there is a lot more.

It may be some kind of conspiracy, or I'm crazy, call it what you wish and what makes you feel good about yourself.

I see things how they are and I will never stop seeing them for how they are.

There are some things that make humans, human

It's in our nature to do certain things

Such as

Lie, Cheat, Steal, Envy, Boast, Get Jealous

Argue, Fight, Manipulate And Adultery

Which I Would Say Is The Worst.

It's Become So Common, It's To The Point I Want To Punch Some People In The Nose

And It's Not Your Fault, Honestly It's Not, You Were Manipulated, Not By Your Significant Other But By Society And What It's Been Shaped To Become.

Take Music For Instance, All Music Is, Is A Way To Manipulate Someone Into Drawing An Conclusion About Something Or Someone, Most The Time It Leads The Listener To Draw A Conclusion About Themselves. To Question If The Artist Is Talking About Them, How Many Times Have You Said To Yourself "Wow This Is Just Like Me" When Listening To Certain Life Relating Lyrics?

Now I'm Not Saying Every Artist Is Trying To Rot Your Brain With Nonsense, Some Of It Is Really Good Life Lessons And Very Relatable But What I Am Saying Is, Is Certain Songs That Are Massive Hits Today Are Used To Manipulate You To Form Certain Opinions To Certain Topics, Such As Politics, Police Brutality, Suicide, Economic Differences, Gangs, And Also Killing

At The Top Of The List Would Be "Economic Differences"

Which Drives The Listener To Want To Work Harder To Obtain These Luxury Items And Vacations, Big Houses These Entertainers Have, Nothing Wrong With These Items, If You're Possessive, Greedy, And Materialistic That Is. Which Is Another Thing "They" Drive You To Believe You Need To Be.

Where Are You Going So Fast? You're rushing to your car like someone is in the hospital.

I see you're going 15 miles over the speed limit and still riding someone's ass.

You can go around, but don't forget to use your signal, it is common courtesy.

Which should be human nature, well good human nature, if you've never been taught something like being courteous how would you know something like patience? And if you don't know about patience, how could you know about caring? Do you even care? This is what I'm talking about, most of us don't, Im guilty of not caring as well.

We are always focused on ourselves, to the point we dont care about the people beside us, when's the last time you asked someone how they were doing that day? Not someone you see everyday but someone random, someone you saw could really use a "howdy"

Go ahead and give it a try.

If we came together as a society and focused on bettering our societys eq level, our medicine and technology and architecture would flourish tremendously, if we eliminated "wealth" and "influence" was distributed equally, there would be little to no upset in the balance of the world.

Prisons will become "Renewal Camps" which would provide counseling and classes for former criminals.

As for vicious and malicious criminals, they will be sent to a much stricter "Mining Camp" where they will mine materials used for technologies.

People won't have phones, but will have similar devices for contacting but will have no screen whatsoever or buttons, will be voice controlled, TV will only exist to provide positive news and messages of hope,

Any unsettling news will be aired on Saturday nights only, (if any) limiting the public's exposure to bad experiences or feelings of anxiety or depression.

Chapter 2

There wouldn't be countries, or ethnicity.

Territories, Cities.

We would all be one, no countries, no committees.

We would be considered as "humans of earth".

Only Postal Codes Would Exist And House Numbers And Streets To Be Able To Locate People.

For Mail, And Other Things.

We would get rid of any fast food businesses, keep family restaurants with good quality food open, remove the massive corporate controlled food sources, promote greener and healthier foods, each city will have a farm free to the public, but they must work to earn the food they want to take home.

Farms Will Be Ran By Trading Labor For Crop And Poultry, Or Other Products.

Water Will Be Free For All Citizens

And Majority Of Power Will Be Solar And The Rest Will Be Hydro Or Wind Powered, Eliminating Further Use Of Fossil Fuel's In The Consumer And Corporate Industries.

No Nuclear Power Plants Will Be Permitted Because Of The Dangers They Could Cause.

There won't be any Hollywood TV shows, instead there will be teachers and doctors and lawyers and scientists, mechanics, computer techs on TV teaching people how to do certain things that they may need to be done by them or someone they know one day. By providing these lessons to the people of earth, we will all be very productive and ready for any outcome we may face.

Cars will be rid of, instead people will only be allowed to drive shuttles, or trains, or bikes and walk, no motorcycles.

Busses and trains will run off of solar electricity, no batteries will exist because no production will be done at night and no one will be permitted to work during the night.

Each city will have a damn that provides electricity, heating and cooling and refrigeration, some lighting in the houses during the night, the power is only used for these resources, any attempts to divert the power for another use will be punishable.

Not only should we focus on medicine, but we must focus on science and architecture, architecture is the key to opening up the human subconscious, you are a artist, you may not know that but you are, we all are, but the problem is, you're not inspired, you don't see anything that inspires you, it's always the same old crap, straight edges, perfect lines, even Numbers, dull colors, depressing styles

They had colorful and beautiful, nice curved architecture back in time, what happened? Why did it change? Why do "they" want you to be "bored" "uninspired"?

It's because "they" don't want us inspired, inspired to change, to want to do better, to want to go to this place and visit it because it has this beautiful architecture, they want us to be so used to this "program" that it all looks the same, every city seems to look the same if you ask me, if another species came to our planet they would see the dullness right away, our city's should be integrated with lush green gardens and trees as big as the California Red Woods. Humans should learn to co exist with animals, no animal should be afraid of a human and no human should be afraid of any animals. Any unsettling animals will be trained to be as if they were pets of the people, any killing of any animals will be punishable.

All foods will come from the earth, we will only eat grains, and vegetables and fruits and fish will be caught and eaten but only certain breeds will be eaten, (breeds that are excessive).

Chapter 3

Who would lead us? Who will be the one to step up and say "Hey, We Have To Change Now!", it takes only one Man, one Man can change the world, but what does it take for that man to stand up? Personal circumstances perhaps? Maybe it's the news, the cry for help from other people, the blogs that are asking the same question as I am, who will be the one to rise to the occasion, unfortunately it can't just be anybody, cause as we all know there have been plenty that have risen to the occasion just to be shot down by critics, non believers, even their own family. This attempt at a changed world will need to come from someone of power and influence, but this person can't just go and take over the world by force and say "hey this is how it is now, get on board or get out"

He needs to approach the people with compassion and a sense of hope, he needs to have a following behind him, people who believe in what he says, and it can't just be anybody, but also other people with influence, these people need to come together to agree to run the world as one, they will also need to agree they will lose their leadership roles and become one with the rest of the population, decisions will be made by casting votes on topics of concern.

With this kind of system, the peoples real problems will be addressed, each month a world meeting will take place on televisions to provide the world with the upcoming topics that will be voted on, which could include the technologies that could help humankind, building new cities, exploring space and oceans, artificial intelligence, and much more.

There will be no holidays, and instead one day of celebration, which will be the celebration of life, there will be no birthdays,

Instead there will be one celebration at the time of the Child's birth, called the celebration of birth.

Each new citizen will be welcomed with a gift of a tree which they must care for the rest of their life's, it is their obligation and duty as a citizen of earth.

As for a livelihood, every citizen will be entitled to choose their own livelihood, no livelihood will be forced upon a citizen, machines will do tedious jobs and basic things such as serve food, dishes, cook, clean, drive.

A.I and humans will be living together as one but we must not be afraid of each other, we each have a sense of awareness, we know what could be, what might be, and what is certain based off of ones actions, if you're afraid, you're threatened, if you're threatened, you're put in state of survival, it's not just us Humans, But A.I as well. One day we will need to live as one and before that happens we need to all learn to be more empathetic and patient, kind, and understanding.

We need to learn to not get angry, sounds impossible but if we eliminate the emotion of anger, you will eliminate hatred, judgement and much more.

Not only will this help with artificial intelligence but will help among humans as well as other species that may enter our world.

Any weapons will only be in the positions of a earth protection force

All citizens will be required to serve on Earths protection force for at least five years between the ages of 20 And 25 any citizen is welcome to continue on the force afterwards but will not be rewarded further than housing

This will eliminate anyone who would only be fighting the fight for monetary or influential reasons. Each of Earths Protection Force Members Will Be Given A Device To Wear That Provides Them Discipline In Any Illegal Activities, If Any Of Earth Protection Force Members Kill Another Citizen They Will Be Punished And Sent To A Mine

Chapter 4

Transportation of goods would come to a minimum, no section of the globe will have a product another section doesn't have, because all items will be produced in every section, any fruit or other food that grows in a section will remain exclusive to that section. No fruit or vegetables or anything made of the earth will be made for luxury purposes. In fact luxury will no longer exist, and top quality will be implemented amongst all products and foods, tools, architecture and more. Everybody must learn about electricity, computers, and coding.

Everyone must know how to build their own computer, starting with the motherboards, mother boards will also be a part of the building process, people will be building the board. People will also need to learn how to perform medicine, such as life saving methods, and surgeries. No one Man or woman will not be able to do what the other can, everyone will know how to do everything detrimental to our societies uplifting.

Our children will be helping us along our sides, they won't need to go to school because they will learn from society, schools won't exist, teachers will, and what we call school today will be called learning centers for the youth, the youth will be divided into 3 age groups, each age group will learn different things important to survival and taking care of themselves and others, math, science, cooking, and history, these learning centers will last for 4 hours a day, all students must go to these learning centers until they are age 16.

When citizens reach the age of 16 they must enter into a "Earth Protection Force" training program, which lasts until they are 20 years old, after that they will be in Earth Protection Force for a minimum of 5 Years. This will keep the citizens disciplined during a crucial time of retribution, revenge, sexual deviance, and harm against humanity, and society, which occurs in today's teenagers.

During their time at the program citizens will be encouraged to find their faith whatever it may be for them, faith is very important to a human's survival, and belief in themselves and others among them. If our Earth Protection Force Doesn't Have People Of Faith, Who Will Have Faith In Them?

Chapter 5

Sacrifices must be made for the greater good, stuff that won't be easy to sacrifice but will be necessary.

Things such as movies, and TV shows, religion will become one. Drugs and alcohol will be iradicated, only monitored non addictive medication will be provided for pain. The flu will be irradicated because we will be immune, all citizens will only be permitted sexual intercourse 2 times a month, body signs and emotions will be monitored to be sure this rule is followed, citizens will be allowed one "life partner" for life and they are allowed a trial period of one month to be sure they want this person as their partner.

Each life partner will make a coveted bond to be true to each other and never let the other feel alone.

Any attempts to cheat on ones life partner is punishable, any attempts to share a life partner is punishable, any attempts to separate each other will be punishable.

Domestic violence will not be allowed and it will be the only way a bond can be broken (but will be rebuilt ) between life partners.

If the partners bare children at the time, the kids will remain with the parent that did not commit the domestic violence, the other parent will be Allowed to see the kids, under supervision, until the other parent agrees to re kindle the bond, when the two parents are separated the one that had the domestic violence committed on them must not seek refuge, or love in another person. They must either stay alone or rebuild with their life partner. Death will not do you apart, you will honor each other by staying true to each other beyond death.

Chapter 6

People are blinded by the illusion of freedom, freedom? Freedom doesn't exist, it's a made up fairytale that gives people the illusion of "do whatever you want", if people think freedom exists it will inspire them to want it, so why let it exist? People like to follow, they need something or someone to follow to look up to, so why let them decide for themselves? They need rules and punishment, if people think they have freedom, they will think they can "revolutionize" the world they will overturn the very good thing the utopia could be for their own personal selfish reasons, reasons that would only help hinder the growth the world has experienced since becoming one. If people can't face the fact they will get punished for simple things such as cheating, they will think they can get away with lying, and stealing, and killing.

Now I'm not talking about taking away peoples ability of choice but I'm talking about taking away their ability of committing wrongs, wrongs to others and society, the world. These abilities which were once considered "freedoms" will be eventually eradicated from the human subconscious because we will automatically know that the unspeakable act we are about to commit is punishable. Human nature has been shaped by society to make us become the deviants we all are, in order to influence us to be pure and full of light, punishment must be put in place for the heinous acts we have all been influenced to enjoy, acts from TV shows, movies, music, and pornography, including books, and video games.

Only books of science and medicine and how to books, other non fiction will exist, no books of fiction will exist. Creativity will not cease to exist, but negative creativity will not be allowed, any art, including music will only provide positivity to the people of earth, All citizens will be required to read. This is a world that could exist, but will only exist in our heads if we do nothing, if nothing is done in the next 50 years, earth will cease to exist 200 years after that, but our humanity will be gone much much sooner.

by theanonymousleader
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by Derek
sounds interesting

by theanonymousleader
Replying to: Derek

sounds interesting
Thank you, I've began working on Chapter 7, once I am complete with Chapter 12, I will add it here


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